Data Sources

Our website utilizes various map data providers to deliver comprehensive mapping features. We acknowledge and thank the following providers for their contributions:


We use OpenStreetMap (OSM) data to provide detailed and up-to-date map information. OpenStreetMap is an open-source mapping project that allows users to freely access and contribute to geographic data. The project aims to create and provide free geographic data and mapping to anyone who wants to use it.

Website: OpenStreetMap

License: Open Database License (ODbL)

Google Maps

Google Maps provides high-resolution satellite imagery and detailed map data that enhance our mapping capabilities. We use Google Maps services to offer comprehensive map views and location-based information.

Website: Google Maps

Terms of Service: Google Maps Terms


Leaflet.js is an open-source JavaScript library used for interactive maps. It is a lightweight and easy-to-use library that powers the dynamic map features on our website. Leaflet enables the integration of various map tiles, markers, and other interactive elements.

Website: Leaflet

License: BSD 2-Clause License

ESRI World Imagery

We utilize ESRI World Imagery for providing detailed satellite imagery. ESRI's services help us deliver high-quality satellite views and geospatial data.

Website: ESRI World Imagery

Terms of Use: ESRI Terms